Monday, January 14, 2008

The Majestic History of Chinese Culture

For all those who have adopted a young child from China, it is important ensure that child is made aware of the rich cultural history of their native country. This of course requires more effort than just buying copies of Mulan and Mulan 2:Enter the Dragon. It means actually researching what daily life in China actually consists of. Both in the years gone by and in today's modern world. In the case of the latter, it requires finding out how a typical Chinese child is educated, what his/her diet consists of, and what games they fill their leisure time with. To aide in this pursuit, I suggest that all those adoptive parents out there, run and purchase this new board game that is currently sweeping the land of Mao. It can provide fun for the whole family while immersing your little one in a truly Chinese experience.

Come on everyone, Smack the Lion

1 comment:

PletcherFamily said...

Wow. That is disturbing. There is something wrong with you.